Scoliosis is a spinal condition where the spine curves sideways. It’s a spinal condition you may often hear mentioned and perhaps even remember being screened for it as a young teenager. It often becomes evident during the growth spurt before puberty, hence those middle school year exams. While scoliosis can
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Get your flu shot TODAY!
Before you choose to take the vaccine… Get informed! The frosty mornings have started, which means flu season is coming. Signs at stores even remind you… it’s time for your yearly flu shot. Especially if you’re in high risk populations or have a job with a high exposure rate (hospital
Continue ReadingExercising daily? Is it Functional?
Functional movement is the way your body was DESIGNED to move. Understanding this concept is very important, not only for professional athletes, but for moms, dads, children and especially athletes that spend endless hours working to maintain health. Exercise is not enough! Countless hours can be spent at the gym
Continue ReadingChronic Pain – Does it ever end?
Chronic low back pain affects millions of individuals. The causes seem endless (various injuries, falls, long history of sitting in a work environment). Sometimes, the chronic low back pain seems to have no known cause. All you know is you hurt!! So, what can you do? Take an anti-inflammatory? Surgery?
Continue ReadingGood Posture = Good Health?!
Are you asked by family or friends, “How’s it going with that chiropractor?”. You can explain how you’re gaining strength, your posture is improving and you feel great! Yet… they look sort of lost – not really understanding the correlation between posture and health? Why is good posture important? Good
Continue ReadingDoes your Doctor Mention Spinal Health? They SHOULD!
At Gonstead Spine & Wellness, spinal health is our major focus. However, if you’re not a patient (yet!) – it’s important to understand WHY your spinal health is so important to your body wellness. The spinal cord is protected by your spine. The spinal cord branches off, and continues to do so
Continue ReadingHigh Blood Pressure? Get Adjusted!
Recent research reported in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research reveals chiropractic care may play an important role in helping patents with high blood pressure. CLICK HERE FOR THE STUDY Research has proven even “minor” spinal misalignment or dysfunction can be a factor in multiple chronic illnesses. The misalignment, or
Continue ReadingTired of Pain Medication?
Our nation is struggling with the consequences of overuse, over prescribed opioids for pain relief. One in four patients who use opioids for long-term, non-cancer pain struggle with addiction. Masking pain and discomfort with medication gives the illusion that you feel “better” or your body has healed when it hasn’t.
Continue ReadingChiropractors are a SCAM!
How many times have you heard from a friend, family member, loved one… “I don’t BELIEVE in chiropractic”… “chiropractors are hacks!” or “It’s a scam!” Frustrated because you don’t know what to say? Questioning YOUR choices? Chiropractic care is NOT a “belief”. It is understanding how the body WORKS. The
Continue ReadingTight Muscles? A massage will fix that, right?
We’ve all had that “knot” in our shoulder or back. You may even tell yourself you “must have slept wrong”… A massage may feel good at the time, but unless you correct the CAUSE, the muscle will continue to tighten. Even if the “knot” goes away (remember, pain is the
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