(208) 888-6077

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3085 E Magic View Dr Suite #180

Meridian, Idaho 83642

Rehab Videos

These exercises and protocols are designed to be followed AFTER a full assessment has been performed in our facility. These are not one-size-fits-all approaches and may not be appropriate for everybody. Keep in mind that no exercise or spinal remodeling traction approach takes the place of a specific Gonstead adjustment. Consult your doctor for any questions or concerns, and again; 


Neck Stretching Warm-Up

This highly effective neck stretching technique serves as an excellent warm-up not only before using the neck exerciser but also before engaging in your in-office or at-home spinal remodeling traction exercises, enhancing overall flexibility and promoting optimal results. 

Neck Exerciser

This exercise is excellent for increasing motion in the neck as well as helping to nourish and increase the healthy neck curve. In combination with specific Gonstead adjustments, this exerciser is a great part of your spinal hygiene routine. 

Neck Remodeling Wedge

This video takes you through all of the specifics for using your prescribed home neck traction wedge. This device is only prescribed AFTER a thorough Gonstead spinal evaluation and x-ray analysis.

Please keep in mind that this demonstration is in regards to the LOW PLACEMENT. Your doctor will determine if this type of home neck rehabilitation is appropriate for you- and what placement is needed; low, middle, or upper neck. 

Mid Back Remodeling Wedge

This video takes you through all of the specifics for using your prescribed home mid-back traction wedge. This device is only prescribed AFTER a thorough Gonstead spinal evaluation and x-ray analysis.

Please keep in mind that this demonstration is in regards to the MID PLACEMENT. Your doctor will determine if this type of home mid-back rehabilitation is appropriate for you- and what placement is needed; low, middle, or upper mid-back. 

Low Back Remodeling Wedge

This detailed video carefully takes you through all of the important specifics for correctly using your prescribed home low-back traction wedge. This specialized device is only prescribed AFTER a thorough and comprehensive Gonstead spinal evaluation, along with an in-depth x-ray analysis. 

Full Spine Posture Exercise

This exercise helps correct one of the most common postures seen in our clinic. It addresses a forward head shift, backward ribcage shift, and forward pelvis shift. This exercise is NOT for everyone and may be contraindicated in some cases. Do not perform it until instructed by your doctor. 

Head Shift Corrective Exercise

This video demonstrates a common abnormal posture we correct in our office: head shift (head translation). Dr. Todd and Tatiana explain how to correct it using isometric and resistance exercises. These exercises are only prescribed after a thorough Gonstead spinal evaluation and x-ray analysis, which ensures the right exercises are selected. Your doctor will decide if this spine rehabilitation is suitable for you.

Rib Cage Shift Corrective Exercise

In this video, we thoroughly demonstrate the rib cage shifting exercise (thoracic translation), which is a key postural corrective exercise. This specific exercise is carefully prescribed to individuals who have undergone a comprehensive spinal examination and detailed x-ray evaluation, ensuring that it is an appropriate and effective measure for their unique condition. It plays an important role in improving thoracic alignment and overall posture.

The Importance of Ice

This brief video outlines the role in which ice plays throughout a corrective care program. (3 min)