Often, we blame conditions like a bad shoulder or knee on our age. However, if age WAS to blame, wouldn’t both shoulders or knees degenerate? These joint issues are due to cumulative stress and trauma… not time. Many degenerative diseases are linked to sedentary lifestyles and individuals experience weak muscles, stiff joints, low energy
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Adjust your JAW?!
Would you be surprised to know you have MANY extremities? Not only your arms and legs but your ribs, jaw, collar bone and shoulder blade? Why is this important? When any extremity becomes misaligned, they become “stuck” in a fixed position. This causes the joint above it or below it
Continue ReadingOmega 6? Omega 3? Which one is GOOD for you?
If you’ve been diagnosed with an inflammatory condition, did your provider ever test your Omega 6:3 ratio? Omega 3 is GOOD for your body… Omega 6 is BAD. Unfortunately, MANY foods consumed are HIGH in Omega 6, LOW in Omega 3. This makes the ratio between the two highly out
Continue ReadingAre you POISONING your BODY with Sugar?!
Sugar is NOT good for your body! In today’s society, sugar is in many of the “healthy” foods we eat – thus EXCESS sugar is consumed and health complications follow. So you’re already avoiding sweets? AMAZINGLY, with sugar being so well hidden in our food, it makes it very easy
Continue ReadingWhat we have been taught about our health is killing us
Ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure & prescribed medication? Surprised to learn this actually masks the “warning sign” that your body is trying to tell you? Before we go any further, let’s back up a minute. How your body works: The brain controls everything. It sends energy down the
Continue ReadingSpine Surgery: How does Idaho Rank?
Something that Idaho is known for, is being one of the leaders in the country for the highest over utilization spine surgery. Why is that? In health, Dr. Todd
Continue ReadingThe Power of the Hip Hinge
What is the Hip Hinge? Glad you asked. The hip hinge is a foundational movement pattern that every healthy individual should possess, although many are dysfunctionally lacking. Where do you use it? Bending over to pick up an object Exercises like dead-lifts and squats Brushing your teeth… You get it.
Continue ReadingCurves are Important! (Your spine depends on ’em)
Curves in the Spine?! Wait a second, I thought the spine was supposed to be straight! And a curved spine is called a scoliosis, right? Well…kinda You see, on the front view, when looking at the spine from the front (or back for that matter), it should be totally straight
Continue ReadingThe FOUR Essential Supplements
With so much information out there these days, it’s difficult to know what isn’t good for your body or even how you could be improving your health. When it comes to supplementing, keep it simple, there are just FOUR you should take: A Good Multi-Vitamin A good multi-vitamin (preferably in
Continue ReadingWhy Do We Use X-Ray? – DTDD Ep. 6
Why do we use x-ray? Dr. Todd’s Daily Drive – Ep. 6
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